
Star Wars Invades Everything (no spoilers)

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May the force be with you.

So I don’t know about you guys, but I know A LOT of people who are excited for the new Star Wars movie to come out this Thursday night/Friday. Personally, I don’t even remember seeing the first three films (episodes IV, V, VI thank you very much), but I’m not a complete hermit so I mostly know what happened. 

My most clear memory of the films was trying to figure out how George Lucas knew that a young Darth Vader would look a whole lot like Hayden Christensen before he was even born, I was clearly not very bright.


George Lucas messes with the fabric of space and time

Since Star Wars is now a Disney franchise they’ve gone a little crazy with the product placement:

Guys, chill.

So, I’ve spent the rest of my brain power to add a bit of product placement to famous artworks. Who knew all of these artists were secret Star Wars fans! 


Mother and Child by Pablo Picasso at the  Art Institute of Chicago

That’s not how you hold that, sweetie.  


Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Gustav Klimt at the Neue Galerie New York

Adele brings us to our knees with a single look…and a lightsaber.


A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel  by Judith Leyster at the National Gallery London

Any child who pulls on cat tails are bound to have fallen to the dark side.


The Archangel Raphael with Tobias by Cristofano Allori at Mount Stewart House

Raphael cures blindness with the Force’s saber of light.


A Little Taste Outside of Love by Mickalene Thomas at the Brooklyn Museum

Sorry, Jabba the Hutt who?

May the Force be With You! And remember, no spoilers for at least two weeks!!

By: Lauren 

Lauren Dare

Sr. Editor