More about Pollock and Tureen, Arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Burton Tremaine, Connecticut

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Just like we do here at Sartle, Louise Lawler makes great works of art accessible to the people. 

Weaseling her way into rich people’s homes was her forte.  Once inside, she explored how their amazing art collections are displayed. In this one, we see the bottom edge of a Jackson Pollock drip painting (like this one).  The focus isn’t on the masterpiece, but the decorative tureen underneath. 

With this seemingly weird choice of subject matter, Lawler is showing us how art is really just another commodity.  Their Pollock serves the same purpose as the Coors Light poster in my kitchen.  It just adds so much to the décor!  Granted you’re not likely to find a Pollock in the Goodwill dollar bin. 

This leads us to questions like, who determines the value of art? Is it how much it costs? Or how well it matches your carpet?