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The painting named Annunciation was created by Leonardo da Vinci in the year of 1474. The main thing that catches the eye when looking at this painting are the people in the image. One of the individuals is represented as the angel Gabriel and the other individual to the right is virgin Mary. The name of the painting comes from the message that Gabriel announces to Mary that she will conceive a child. Both the angel and Mary have the same human characteristics however they are distinguishable because Gabriel is kneeling down and has a pair of wings coming out of his back. The dresses that they are both wearing are a representation of the primary colors, the red, blue, and yellow. The dresses seem to be a velvet type of fabric which seem to have a high value to them. The ridges and folds on the dresses gives the image texture and makes it seem more realistic. In the background we see variety. There are multiple kind of trees, but they all work together to depict the painting. On the floor it is what seems to be grass and plants but seems to look more-brown like dirt rather than green. Both of the individuals have texture to their hair you can see that they both have curly and wavy hair. Towards the very back of the image is what appears to be mountains they are painting very lightly and seem to almost fade away with the clouds. The type of fading and lightness that was given to the mountains makes it seem like they are far away and are not the main focal point of this painting.
The first thing that catches your eye in the painting done by Leonardo da Vinci is the two women. the women in the painting seem like they are accurately proportioned to everything else in the painting. Looking at the painting the only thing that has the most details are the two women. The woman on the right has the halo which is put on saints of the Bible. So this woman must have been very important in her time. The other woman must be a messenger of God because of her wings and she is holding a side bag. The background of the picture is very plain. I believe this is done on purpose so the women can stand out more. The only thing that I question when it comes to if everything is proportioned correctly is the trees in the background. They all look like they get pruned but I'm not sure if they are smaller trees or if they are farther in the background. Way off into the distance you can see a faint mountain and a small town. In the total opposite of the mountains, the women have many details. Both of their hair is curly and you can almost see every strand of hair on their head. The only other thing in the picture that has a great deal of detail in the table. I would say that the table has the most detail of anything in the picture.