More about It's Not the End of the World (Remember Me)

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This piece is not a warning about the consequences of smoking cigarettes. It’s more of Sarah Lucas' ode to it.

She knows it’ll kill her but smoking, “though self–destructive, affords her space to think: ‘a way of palpably 'having' time.’” But ironically, what gives her time will also take it away at the end of her life. I guess healthy lungs weren’t punk-rock in the '90s. And if she weren’t a smoker, she probably wouldn’t have used cigarettes as a medium and then where would the art world be? It’s all a balance of give and take.

This lil' equestrian skeleton made out of ciggies is kind of an ugly-cute Grim Reaper. He has a little crown and a little sickle like he’s going into a little battle. But because this skeleton is actually Death and dying is the only thing that’s for sure-sies in life, we shouldn’t be too condescending. Blasted mortality!

It was all too classic for the '90s YBAs (Young British Artists) to use materials in their works that weren’t lasting but that permeated the lives of all types of people - cigarettes being the best example of just that. Plus, how meta is it to create an image of Death with a material that can be a cause of death? Answer: very.

